Railway Operations
The operation of the railway falls to the Operations Department which provides Drivers, Firemen/Second Men, Guards, Control Staff and Station Staff. Volunteers involved with the operation of the railway are on the front line to members of the public, therefore personal appearance and customer service skills are particularly important. All the roles in the Operations Department are Safety Critical so good communication skills are also important for dealing with public and colleagues. As these roles carry significant safety responsibilities, formal training followed by theoretical and practical assessments are required before becoming qualified in these roles.
Guards & Station Staff
The Guard’s role is much more than simply waving a green flag and blowing a whistle. The Guard is responsible for the safety of his or hers train, it’s passengers, and any other staff working on board. Those wishing to become a Guard will start out as Station Staff. Station Staff are the friendly face of the railway who meet and greet passengers, check tickets, and help passengers onto the train whilst working alongside the Guard to ensure the safe dispatch and departure of the train. Guards training further teaches individuals general railway Health & Safety, points operation and shunting, examination of rolling stock and customer service.
Locomotive Footplate
Every child’s dream is to become an engine driver, at the North Tyneside Steam Railway this can become a reality. Starting out as Cleaner, before becoming a Trainee Fireman. Cleaners assist the Driver and Fireman in the cleaning and preparation of locomotives for the day ahead. After completing training turns and assessments Cleaners will pass through the ranks to the role of Fireman and eventually onto Driver. Being a Driver is probably the most responsible job there is at the North Tyneside Steam Railway. Not only are they responsible for safely driving the train they are responsible for the safety of the locomotive, its crew and (working with the Guard), the safety of the entire train.
Volunteering Opportunities